Close, Closed, Closure


Ram Loevy

During August and September 2005 Israel may face a political Tsunami. The disengagement from the Gaza Strip. About 7000 Jewish settlers are going to be evacuated from their houses in the Gaza Strip which is inhabited by more than one million Palestinians. It is highly likely that it will be done by use of force. This time – Jews against Jews. If the disengagement fails, it may mean the end of the peace process for a very long time. Whatever the outcome, the disengagement may become a major international news item this summer. Shot before and during the present Intifada by a joint Israeli – Palestinian Crew, the film brings about a deep historical and emotional insight into the background of this highly complicated subject.


Original title: GAZA, L'enfemement

Production: Lapsus (Esther Hoffenberg) - Ram Loevy - Communications - La Cinquième - Het Lichtpunt - Soros Foundation

Nationality: France - Israel

Year of production: 2002

Running time: 52'

Language: Hebrew - Arab


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