Facing Darkness


Jean-Gabriel Périot

The Siege of Sarajevo lasted from April 1992 to February 1996. Young men were called up to protect their city, a few of them chose to take along their cameras to face the violence they witnessed throughout those grueling 1,425 days.
Now, 30 years later, they show us their films and share their wartime filming experiences and thoughts on cinema as a means of survival and resistance.

Festivals & Awards

Karlovy Vary IFF 2023 – Special Screenings

IDFA 2023 – Signed

Laceno d’Oro International Film Festival 2023 – Doc Award

Original title: Facing Darkness

Production: Alter Ego Production - Alina Films - Kumjana Novakova, Pravo Ljudski

Nationality: France - Switzerland - Bosnia

Year of production: 2023

Running time: 110'

Language: Bosnian, English


Press kit



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