Hayati (My Life)


Sofi Escude Poulenc & Liliana Torres

In 2015, Osama Abdul Mohsen and his son were abused by a Hungarian journalist. The video of the incident scandalized the entire world.
Despite of himself, Osama became the symbol of the unfair treatment of migrants and is given the chance to land his dream job: football coach in a Madrid based club. But the rest of his family is still stuck in Turkey and the chances of them obtaining a visa are fading away. What of their dreams and life ambitions?
Hayati (My Life) tells the story of Osama and his son Zeid. It is also the story of Moatassam, Youssef and Muhannad: three promising Syrian football players whose best years have been darkened by the shadow of war.

Festivals & Awards

DocsBarcelona 2018

Mostra Internacional del Cinema de Sao Paulo 2018

FIFDH Geneve 2019

Original title: Hayati (Mi Vida)

Production: Boogaloo Films - Les Films d'Ici

Nationality: Spain - France

Year of production: 2018

Running time: 52' & 82'

Language: Arabic

Ratio: 1:85




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